bloc musical de 4CANTONS

Galleteando que es gerundio: El Chavo / Strand feat. Soarse Spoken “Unauthorized split”

Galleta | Este disc forma part de la sèrie de singles que ve publicant el microsegell Galleta Records de Barcelona des del 2005. Un segell que compta amb gent com … Continua llegint

gener 16, 2013 · Deixa un comentari

El Chavo / Strand feat. Soarse Spoken “Unauthorized split” (Galleta Records)

Galleta | This release is involved in a range of  singles published by the Barcelona based microlabel Galleta Records since 2005. A label which it owns the participation of artists … Continua llegint

Novembre 11, 2011 · Deixa un comentari
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Netlabels, Netaudio, Music and other things

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